CPS-3 2021 Follow-up Survey Has Launched

The newest CPS-3 follow-up survey became available to CPS-3 participants in the spring of 2021. Designed by our CPS-3 research team, the 2021 survey asks questions similar to some in previous surveys to update participants’ medical and lifestyle information. 

Long surveys like this are sent to participants at a minimum of every 3 years. Previous follow-up surveys for CPS-3 were sent in 2015 and 2018. It’s this repetition of questions and updating of answers that allow us to see how changes over time in lifestyle, behaviors, and health, and well as changes in the environment, affect the risk of developing cancer and other diseases, or and of dying. The frequency of these surveys also allows us to ask new questions  on current, relevant topics like the COVID-19 pandemic.

CPS-3 Participants:

What to Know About the 2021 Survey

In late March, a secure, online format of the 2021 survey became available.

For the 2 weeks that followed, CPS-3 participants received email invitations with instructions on how to complete the survey online.

If you didn't receive the email, check your spam/junk folder.

You can save the American Cancer Society money and time by promptly completing the survey online.

In June 2021, paper surveys mail to participants who never received the email invitation or who are unwilling or unable to do the survey online.